Thursday, December 3, 2015

Content-aware scale made easy

Let's start with this image from Pixabay

It's an OK image but if you ask me, I think it'd work better in landscape format. And with the Content-aware scale, I can do just that! 

Mind you, this technique works best with pictures that have lots of open space. 

Let's start:
  1. Crop the picture holding the option/alt key for both sides
  2. Go to Edit > Content-aware scale and stretch the image holding option/ctrl key

There you have it! Now you've got the image in landscape format. These simple steps are the basics of the Content-aware scale. And look at the image, the wider view sure changes the atmosphere of the picture! 

Ready for a more advanced technique? Now try this: scale the picture while you protect a certain area (in this case the jetty). To to do this follow this steps:
  1. Make a selection of the jetty
  2. Load your selection as a channel (Go to Channels and add a new channel) 
  3. Fill it with white
  4. Go back to the layer and choose Edit > Content-aware scale. Select alpha 1 as the area you want to protect

  5. Now stretch your picture with the alt/option key
Voila! Now you've stretched the image but our selection was protected.

Find out for yourself what way works best for you. Play around with it and don't be afraid to discover new things! 

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