Friday, November 6, 2015

Dodge and Burn, part 3 // Using channels

To end this special Dodge and Burn week, here's one more post about it: dodging and burning using channels. It's fast, it's easy and you can use it as a seperate technique or in combination with other dodge and burn tool(s).

So this is how it works: 

1. It all starts with opening the picture you want to use. In my case it's an image of Marino Vanhoenacker, during his win in the Ironman triathlon in Luxembourg.

Search Results

2. Then, open the channels

3. Next: hold down the CTRL or CMD key and click on the RGB channel. You can see that several parts of the picture are selected. 

These are the lighter parts of the image. Make a layer of the selections using CTRL or CMD J. When you go back to your layers you see there are now two layers. Rename the top layer to screen

4. Now click on the background layer and go to Channel. Click on the RGB Channel again using holding down CTRL or CMD. Again you see a selection of some part of the pictures . As told in the previous step these are the lighter part of the image. But this time, I want to select the darker parts of the picture. So invert the selection using CTRL or CMD I.

5. Then click on CTRL or CMD J to make a layer of the (inverted selection). Go back to layers and rename this new layer to multiply

6. Rename the blending mode of the screen layer to Screen. Rename the blending mode of the Multiply layer to Multiply. 

Voila! There's a picture where we did some dodging and burning using channels!

But, did I like the actual result? Naah, the darks where too dark for my liking. So what did I do? I reduced the Opacity of the layer to a point where I was satisfied with the result. Like I said in some other posts also: make sure that the focus is on the subject of your picture. In this case it's Marino. I want to have the effect in him instead of on the entire picture. So I added a black mask to the screen and multiply layers and I used a brush to white out the areas where I wanted to have the effect.

And this is the end result. 

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