Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lightroom quicktip, straighten your image.

In Lightroom its very easy to straighten your image.  Lets start with this picture.

Go to the development module and hit R, fora the crop overlay.

Now there are tree ways to straighten the image.

1.Click on Auto 

2. if thats not doing the job, click on the straighten tool 

and draw a straight line, in this picture over the horizon.

3. drag the angle slider to the left or right.

Easy and simple !!

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picture from pixabay

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Photoshop Quicktip, change the angle of the brush.

Sometimes it can be useful to rotate your brush. It make no sense to to it with the regular brushes but for some custom made brushes it can be useful.

For example this smoke brush

If you want to change the angle go to brush panel and change there the angle of the brush

Now you can brush with another angle.

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Monday, December 19, 2016

Photoshop Quicktip: More contrast using the Overlay Blending mode.

One of the important thing is that a picture needs contrast. In photoshop are there many ways to add contrast to your image.  Of the ways to to this is by adding a new Adjustment Layer and set the blending mode to Overlay.

Lets show this by opening this image, from Pixabay.

Now duplicate the layer by using Cmd or Ctrl J and set the blending mode on Overlay

To control the effect you can add a layers mask and reduce the Opacity of the layer.

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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Before and After in Camera Raw

Before and After in Camera Raw in Photoshop is very easy and helpful.  Open the picture in Photoshop. Duplicate the background layer (Ctrl or Cmd J)

Go to Filter > Camera Raw Filter and edit the picture

But how can you see the total effect of the edit in Camera Raw.  Just click on the Y underneath the image.

Now you see the before and after: 

By clicking on the Y you can see more 'Types of Before and After' 

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picture of pixabay

Monday, December 12, 2016

Photoshop Quicktip: Knockout text effect in Photoshop

Create an easy knockout text effect in Photoshop

1. Open an image

2. Create a rectangle with the rectangle tool (U)

3. Type your text outside of the rectangle. Then move into re rectangle

4. double click on the text layer to get the layer style screen. Choose shallow in the knockout field and reduce the Fill Opacitiy

In a view steps you can make an easy knockout effect in Photoshop. 

Easy quick and simple !

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    picture from pixabay

Friday, December 9, 2016

Create a calendar with Lightroom

Just saw this video of Matt Kloskowski, to make a calendar in Lightroom.

In a few steps you can create your own calendar with your own photo's in Lightroom.  Just watch the video and download the templates .

Its very easy, so just create your own calendar.

This one of the methods you can use in Photoshop. Its quick and easy.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Improve your Lightroom/Photoshop skills with Serge Ramelli

On Youtube you can find a lot of information to improve your Photography skills.  I learned a lot from the quys from Phlearn, Tudvid and Serge Ramelli

Check out Serge Ramelli's Youtube channel! He has over 400 tutorials on photography, he is the number channel on Lightroom worldwide. If you want great tricks and tips photography check him, out!

Photoshop Quicktip, Clone on a Separate Layer

Its always good to make clean pictures. But sometimes you cant arrange this while you are shooting. But you can fix this easy in Photoshop (most of the times).

Lets start with this picture

It's an image from Pixabay and we want to remove the birds in the sky. In this case its a very easy job. We can use different tools to do the job, but now we use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to do it.  You just can start on this layer and remove the birds. But it is better to do it on a blank layer, so that in case you messed it up you can easily go back, by removing this layer.

So we add a new blank layer above this layer.

Point the cursor at the image area you want to paint with, hold down [Alt] key, then mouse-click. You have just selected the source point for cloning. Paint over the bird to remove it. 

Repeat this steps a few times to get a better result.

Sample and paint for all parts you want to remove from your image.

By clinking the blank layer on and off you can also see the result of the Cloning.

Easy and fast.  Don't forget to follow us on Facebook or 500px.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Easy double exposure in Photoshop

The easiest way to create a double exposure in Photoshop is using just a Blending Mode. This technique works well with a light background.

We start with those two images

Open the images in Photoshop and move the picture of the wood to the picture of the girl.

Now change the blending mode of the top layer to something like 'Lighten'.

Now you've created a double exposure in Photoshop.  If you want you can go further and adding masks, color effects or whatever you want.

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    picture from pixabay

Friday, December 2, 2016

Create a icy winter look in Photoshop

Create a icy winter look in Photoshop in a few small steps.

We start with this picture.

1. Reduce the colors by adding a Hue and Saturation Adjustment layer.

2. Add a Photo Filter Adjustment layer.

Last step is to add some snow.  We wrote about his before.

So in a few steps we transformed this picture into a winter scenery.