Monday, November 28, 2016

How to add a black border in Photoshop

This post is about quickly adding a black border round your picture.

1. Open your border 

2. Open the picture

3. Move your picture to the border using the move tool (V)
4. Select the image layer and use Cmd or Ctrl T to scale it, so it fits the border

5. Unlock the background layer and move it on top.

6. Change the blend mode of the border layer to Darken or Multiply. Voila! 

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Pattern text effect in Photoshop

How to create a Pattern text effect in Photoshop

1. Open a new document
2. Typ your text

3. Open the blending options (fx) and choose Bevel & Emboss

In this screen you can manage size, depth and your shadows and highlights and the angle of the light. Just try things out to see what works best for your pattern

4. Click on Textures under Bevel & Emboss and choose a pattern 

Now we got the pattern into the text

5. Now we need the color the pattern.  To this choose Pattern Overlay and choose the same pattern.

Now we have our pattern in the text.

Set the same scale in Text overlay and Pattern overlay  (or choose in both screens for Snap to origin)

Easy quick and simple !

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You can also define your own pattern. 
Make a picture of it. 
Open it in Photoshop.
Cmd A to select all (Ctrl A in Windows)
Go to  Edit > Define Pattern
Give it a name and save it.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Create an easy Text Clipping Mask Effect

Create an easy Text Clipping Mask Effect in Photoshop.

1. Create a new document
2. Type your text

3. Move a picture on top of it

4.  Ctrl click on the top layer to create a clipping mask

5. Move the top layer to a good position within your text

Easy quick and simple !

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Colour Pop Effect

Quick tutorial to create a simple 'colour pop effect' in Photoshop.

Open an image

Remove all the color using the 'Hue and Saturation Adjustment Layer' or the 'Black and White Adjustment Layer'

Select the layer mask and paint, with a soft brush,  over the dress to get the colour back.

Easy quick and simple !

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    picture from pixabay
Other way is to select the dress using Color Range and make a selection of it.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Crop a square in Lightroom

To crop the perfect square in Lightroom press R.

Click on the arrow besides 'Original'

Now choose '1x1' for a square.

Now crop the photo.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Use a gradient for your background color

In a previous blog we changed the background color of an picture. Now we gonna use a gradient to change the background.

Open your image.

Cut your subject out of the background.

Now add a new layer and fill it with for example white.

Now use the gradient to change the colors of your background

There are many many combinations possible

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    picture from pixabay

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How to mirror an image in Lightroom

To mirror an image you don't have to switch to Photoshop.  You just can do it in Lightroom. But its a bit hidden

I want to switch this image (from  

Select the image in the Develop mode and select the crop tool. Then right click in the picture and choose Transform > Flip Horizontal.

Job done!

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